Understanding Network Attacks A network attack can be defined as any method, process, or means used to maliciously attempt to compromise network security. There are a number of reasons that an individual(s) would want to attack corporate networks. The individuals performing network attacks are commonly referred to as network attackers, hackers, or crackers. A few different types of malicious activities that network attackers and hackers perform are summarized here: Illegally using user accounts and privileges Stealing hardware Stealing software Running code to damage systems Running code to damage and corrupt Read More
An email address is where electronic mail is sent from and received. An email address has a specific location on the Internet which can be found by other servers and networks fairly easy. There are a few components to an email address and they are standard throughout the internet. The first part of an email address is the username. The second part of all email addresses is the “@” symbol, commonly known as the “at” symbol. This symbol is what separates the first part of the email address called the Read More
DVI (Digital Visual Interface) cables implement the DVI video interface standard in order to enable high visual quality displays on LCD flat panel and digital projector displays. The Digital Display Working Group (DDWG) created this standard as a succeeding technology to the traditional VGA connection standard. DVI connector technology carries uncompressed digital video and is partially compatible with the High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) standard in the DVI-D (Digital) mode and with VGA when operating in analog mode (DVI-A). How does DVI Work? The DVI interface uses a digital protocol that Read More
The PSTN is the Public Switched Telephone Network. The PSTN is the entire telephone system, except for private telephone systems which are managed by their own PBX.
An MPLS VPN (Multi-Protocol Label Switching Virtual Private Network) is a virtual private network that uses MPLS to forward data packets from one device to another by tunneling through the Internet. MPLS VPNs transfer any data packet type to any device within the network and can be used for many applications including communication, data transfer, and information access on the network’s client and server side. How MPLS VPNs Work MPLS VPNs create a tunnel through the Internet in which two or more devices can exchange information. In order to do Read More
To change a Yahoo Password, visit Yahoo: Change Password. Changing a Yahoo password causes all the passwords on Yahoo’s personalized services to change. These personalized services include: Yahoo! Mail Yahoo! Messenger Yahoo! Chat My Yahoo! Yahoo! Finance The instructions to change a Yahoo password will only work if the user knows his/her current Yahoo password. If the Yahoo password is lost, please refer to How does Yahoo password recovery work?
When installing software that is packaged with the Windows Installer, users may get an error 1603. The actual error message that displays is “error 1603: A fatal error occurred during installation.” There are a few things that cause this to occur. Windows Installer and Encrypted Folders Users cannot install software packaged in the Windows Installer format into an encrypted folder. Install the software into a different folder that does not have encryption turned on. Remove the encryption and install the software again. Windows Installer and Substituted Drives Users cannot install Read More
Set focus on a notification. Windows Key+B View properties for the selected item. ALT+ENTER Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu. LEFT ARROW Collapse current selection if it's expanded, or select parent folder. LEFT ARROW Display the items in the active list in a dialog box. F4 Refresh the active window. F5 Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop. F6 Display the top of the active window. HOME Switch MouseKeys on and off. Left ALT +left SHIFT +NUM LOCK Switch High Contrast Read More
The Oersted (Oe) is the unit of measurement for a magnetizing field that is also known as an H-field, intensity, or a magnetic field. The Oersted was named after a Danish physicist and philosopher, Hans Oersted, who discovered the connection between electricity and magnetism in 1819. Who was Hans Oersted? Hans Oersted was a Danish philosopher and physicist who is most famous for discovering electromagnetism. This discovery led to research circles placing a significant amount of focus on notable scientists, Ampère and Arago’s electrodynamic research. The scientific community then discovered that electrically Read More
Running as administrator simply means that you are in logged into your Microsoft Windows computer as the administrator role which has the ability to install programs and do anything else. The administrator is the account that can make all changes to the computer. However, security experts warn against running in an administrator account because if a virus gets into the computer, it typically functions off of a permission based system. In other words, because the administrator can do anything on a computer, a virus can execute anything if it comes Read More
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