Windows 7 is the latest operating system that Microsoft released. It replaced Windows Vista in 2009. Windows 7 was invented to address fatal flaws in Windows Vista that the general public disliked. While correcting major concerns about file accessibility, design, and compatibility issues with popular applications, Windows 7 combined some of the beneficial aspects of both Windows XP and Windows Vista. What is Ubuntu? Ubuntu is a Linux-based operating system that was released in 2004. It is very similar to Windows 7 in design and accessibility. Ubuntu is completely Read More
Internet radio is essentially the same as regularly broadcast radio, with a few distinguishing characteristics. Whereas there is a minimal lag time with regular radio because it broadcasts through the air, Internet radio has a lag time of 2.5 to 10 seconds or so, depending on the server. Internet radio is streamed, and so does not involve downloading. You simply log on to the particular site and in it comes. Receiving the stream is much like listening to your MP3 player, as the format is the same. Several formats are Read More
For many, MP3 is the perfect digital format. Music in this format sounds similar to CD music quality. MP3 files are much smaller than the standard CD WAV file and using MP3 is free. It seems the only drawback of using MP3s is the fact that most music is stored on media that are not compatible with computers and MP3 players. These media include vinyl records and audio tapes. To quickly and easily convert audio tapes to MP3 in order to listen to one’s favorite music ona computer, MP3 player, Read More
Fiber optic technology makes use of light to carry digital signals via optical cables. Fiber optic cables are very thin glass wires made from extremely pure optical glass. This technology is based on the concept of light reflection. In the case of fiber optics technology, light carrying digital signals is reflected inside the optical cable to transfer information. Total internal reflection is the principle behind the success of this technology. Fiber Optics: Glass Anatomy A fiber optic cable is basically made-up of three parts: the core, the cladding and the Read More
For many computer users privacy is important. If you use a computer for searching the web, there may be times when you prefer to not leave a digital trail of the sites you visited. For those looking to delete their search history, you should know it is extremely easy, here are some tips. Deleting Your Search History Using Internet Explorer Open up Internet Explorer and click on Tools, you should see at the top the option “Delete Browsing History”. Click on this option and a menu should appear giving Read More
Elevation refers to the varying heights of objects on, and around, the Earth. Elevation on Earth is usually used to measure the difference in height of land masses in comparison to Sea Level. Elevation in Earth’s orbit is used to measure the difference in height of satellites in comparison to the Earth’s horizon from any given point. In the latter form, elevation is a critical factor in properly configuring a satellite antenna. How Elevation Works Elevation, in terms of satellites, is measured in degrees and depends on the horizon Read More
Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) is the simplest form of pulse modulation. This technique transmits data by varying the voltage or power amplitudes of individual pulses in a timed sequence of electromagnetic pulses. In other words, the data to be transmitted is encoded in the amplitude of a series of signal pulses. PAM can also be used for generating additional pulse modulations. If you look at this from a purely theoretical standpoint, the possible pulse amplitudes in pulse amplitude modulation can be infinite. This is the case with analog pulse amplitude Read More
One feature available when you format a volume with the NTFS file system is file compression. NTFS compression can only be applied to a partition or volume that is formatted with the NTFS file system. Through NTFS, you can create additional storage space for files by compressing either single files, or all files in a NTFS folder. Files in a compressed folder are compressed when folder compression is enabled. Any subfolders included in the compressed folder can also be compressed. You can also compress all files on NTFS volumes. A Read More
Email clients and browser-based interfaces allow people to attach small files to an email in order to share them with other computer users. However, most interfaces do not allow folder attachment because it is considered a directory rather than an actual file. For example, a user may attach a single picture or several pictures to an email, but is unable to attach the entire folder that the pictures are in. However, if a file archiver archives the folder, the user can attach it. WinRAR WinRAR is a file archiver Read More
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