Microsoft OneNote is a program that allows users to keep track of all of their notes as the notes are kept in one place. Microsoft OneNote allows the user to plan vacations, write in his/her blog, keep day-to-day notes, create shopping lists, do research, and conduct a variety of other note related tasks. Microsoft OneNote is included in Microsoft Office, but cannot be purchased separately or downloaded for free although a free trial exists on its main page.


OneNote For Mac

OneNote is currently available for Windows, Windows Phone 7, iPhone, and as a web application, all of which are free except for the Windows version. Although OneNote is not available for Mac at this time, Mac users can enjoy Growly Notes, a Growly Birds product that is free and includes most of OneNote’s same features. Screenshots and details about Growly Notes can be found here and the “Download” button can be found at the top of the page.


OneNote is advantageous because it can be integrated with other Microsoft Office products to store information and collaborate details about important research, records, and plans. However, OneNote follows the basic Microsoft Office template and is limited in its capabilities beyond simple note taking.

Growly Notes, however, provides users with a large interface that is capable of creating booklets of information that are categorized for efficiency and easy access. Growly Notes also allows users to create floating windows of text and other content in order for users to be able to work on notes while using other programs.