Library software is a type of software that allows users to keep an organized catalog of media. These catalogs may include books, files, music, videos, images, software, or collections of information. Library software often includes tools that allow the user to organize and search through their catalogs and may be used for a wide variety of applications. For example, recording studios use library software to catalog their music while actual libraries use library software to catalog their books, cassettes, and other merchandise. This article will demonstrate the advantages of library Read More
The world of today is becoming more and more artificial after each passing sunset. Because of this, or perhaps in spite of it, even the videos and pictures that we see and watch are quickly being replaced by animations and computer-generated imagery. Although this means bad news for celebrities who made it big by pretending to be characters in movies and books, animation has opened up an entirely new industry for those with an artistic touch and a tech savvy mind. To facilitate such individuals, animation software has been created Read More
ISO software refers to any program that is capable of creating ISO files or extracting them into usable files. An ISO file is a type of file format that is used to store linked files between a network of Internet users. While an ISO file can be downloaded and accessed by anyone, the files on that ISO are accessed from a large number of different computer users called Seeds and Peers. Seeds are users that have a complete copy of all the files that are stored on the ISO file Read More
Open Office is a cost-free, royalty-free open source, multi-platform alternative to the over-inflated Microsoft Office Suite; 100% volunteer maintained by the user-supported community, with versions for PC, Mac and Linux in multiple languages. Furthermore, Open Office is compatible with virtually all other main office suites, and you are free to download, use, and distribute with no further permission required. Key Benefits and Features include a 100% complete and exceptionally robust royalty-free, cost-free, open-source office suite solution; the ability to generate PDF’s as required, on-the-fly and 6 separate and unique Read More
What is Android Software? Android software is a program that is capable of running on the Android mobile operating system provided by Google. Android is an open source operating system that anyone can make modifications to or create applications that can run with it. This differs dramatically from other mobile operating systems that are vendor-specific and are not interchangeable with other models and brands. Because Android is an open source, its software is also an open source, making Android software very compatible with other systems and popular among those systems' Read More
Millions of people worldwide unknowingly send unsecured emails to each other every day. What they do not know is that these emails can be intercepted and read by any common hacker who takes an interest in their personal communications. It probably does not matter if a hacker reads the majority of your emails but if a hacker happens to read an email that includes your credit card information or other important data, you could find yourself in some serious trouble. In this article, we will explain how email encryption works Read More
Wireshark Wireshark is the world's foremost network protocol analyzer, and is the de facto (and often de jure) standard across many industries and educational institutions. Wireshark has a rich feature set which includes the following: Deep inspection of hundreds of protocols, with more being added all the time Live capture and offline analysis Standard three-pane packet browser Multi-platform: Runs on Windows, Linux, OS X, Solaris, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and many others Captured network data can be browsed via a GUI, or via the TTY-mode TShark utility The most powerful display filters Read More
OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) software is one that is distributed with computer hardware such as printers and cameras, or the actual computer itself. OEM software is often a limited or older version of a software that is sold as a stand alone product in order to provide users with what they need to work with specific hardware. However, users are still encouraged to purchase the unlimited, fully functional version. An example of fully functional OEM software is operating system software, which is generally sold as a complete product without limitations. Read More
VHS To DVD software is software that is able to convert VHS tapes into DVDs. This is a very useful type of software as VHS has become nearly nonexistent in most places. As CDs, DVDs, and BlueRay discs become more and more popular through the world, people have less and less need for VHS tapes. This is easily seen by the fact that most manufacturers do not even make VCRs anymore. DVDs are not only more compact and portable than VHS tapes but can also store more information and can Read More
A plenty of home design software are available for those wishing to design and build a new home. Some of the good software packages are available free of cost as well. This article describes four excellent free options for you. All you need is good home design ideas and a suitable computer for help. Sweet Home 3D Sweet Home 3D is a free software package that is distributed under GNU General Public License to help users design the interiors of a house. This package is developed in Java and runs Read More
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