Downloading songs to an iPod is very simple. Prior knowledge of iTunes is essential to download songs to iPod player. Users can either purchase them or search for the sites that give the tunes for free. Below is an easy-to-follow procedure for downloading the songs to an iPod. Connect the iPod player to the computer via USB connector/port. However, if connecting for the first time, iTunes should prompt the user to automatically sync his/her iPod when connected. Install ITunes on the computer if it is not yet installed. Either download Read More
What is the Android Development Kit?

The Android Development Kit, also known as the Software Development Kit (SDK), is a software that Android directly provides that allows users to create their own Android applications. The Android Development Kit includes sample projects with their original source code, an emulator, development tools, and all of the necessary libraries needed to develop Android applications. The Android Development Kit, however, should not be confused with the JDK (Java Development Kit), which is another software required to develop Android applications. How the Android Development Kit Works In order to use Read More
How Many Songs Does an iPod Nano Hold?
The iPod Nano is one of Apple's many different music players. It was targeted to be a smaller, more portable iPod in comparison to the much bulkier iPod classic. Because of this, it does hold less music than the iPod Classic. However, as generations have gone–Apple is up to their fifth generation of the iPod Nano–the amount of songs that the Nano can hold has increased. On top of that, now users can add video to their iPod Nano. There are two models of the iPod Nano. The first is Read More
How to Recover Deleted Text Messages from an iPhone

The iPhone, which Apple created, is a media device that combines the functionality of a phone, computer, camera, and media player. It features touchscreen technology that allows users to browse the Internet, select files, and run applications by simply touching the screen. The iPhone also supports Bluetooth technology and wireless Internet in order to allow the user to access the Internet and file sharing services from anywhere within the user’s network service range. However, the iPhone’s most important feature is its ability to store and access files in the same Read More
MP4 Media Player

With the waves of modern society come waves of modern technology. One of these waves can be seen by the ever-popular, ever-expanding MP4 technology that has swept the globe in recent years. Invented in 2003, MP4 files have been used ever since to create some of the greatest motion pictures and music portfolios of all time. With those files, however, comes the need for media players to play them. To help the reader learn more about MP4 files and the media players that play them, this article will be split Read More
How Kindle Works
A Kindle is an e-book reader, created by Three generations of Kindles have been released in the last several years. The most recent device is referred to as “Kindle 3.” The Kindle DX, which includes a larger screen, was released in 2009. Kindle is designed exclusively for reading. It does not have the functions of iPhones or tablet PCs, though new Kindle versions have some additional features. Kindle 3 has web browsing capabilities, limited mp3 playing capabilities, and a text-to-voice feature, among other recent innovations. Kindle’s Features Kindle Books Read More
Best Free Android Games

In addition to its various practical applications, the Android also features hundreds of various arcade games to choose from, some of which are free and some of which must be paid for. While all of these games cannot be listed in one place, the following is a list of the most popular free Android games: Abduction Abduction is an Android game that is simple, but addictive. In Abduction, the player is a cow that must jump from ledge to ledge in order to reach the evil aliens who have Read More
How Does an iPad Connect to the Internet?

An iPad is a tablet PC that Apple produced, which combines the functionality of a Macbook, iPhone, iPod Touch, and e-reader into one portable device. An iPad is much larger than an iPhone, but is smaller than a Macbook, allowing users to perform a wide variety of tasks from virtually anywhere. iPads have touch screen capabilities and are able to connect to the Internet in several different ways, including via an Ethernet connection, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and/or 3G. Ethernet Like all other types of computers, iPads are able to connect Read More
iPad Tethering

An iPad is a tablet PC that Apple produced, which provides the hardware and software components found in both Mac PCs and iPhones. While iPads are not as large as Macs or as small as iPhones, they are able to perform the same tasks as a computer while also being extremely lightweight and portable. iPads generally include support for touch screen, WiFi, Bluetooth, and 3G as well as tethering to other devices. What is iPad Tethering? iPad tethering is a term used to describe the iPad’s compatibility with another Read More
How to Unlock an iPod Touch
Have you locked your iPod Touch with a passcode and forgotten what that passcode is? Are you considering throwing it away due to the fact that it is no longer operational? Well, you’re in luck. Throw away that idea because you can actually restore your iPod Touch back to factory settings, in turn removing the passcode that was previously there. The downside to this is that you will need to retrieve your files before doing so, unless the files that are on your iPod have already been backed up. How Read More
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