Building a computer is not all that difficult if you know what to do. Those who have done it before can build a computer in under an hour. However it takes significantly longer if it is your first time. The only thing you will need is a screw driver. Step 1 First of all, make sure that you have all the parts you need. To build a fully functional computer, you will need the following: CPU Motherboard Hard drive Graphics Card Sound card – if your motherboard doesn’t already include Read More
ITIL Configuration Management

Configuration management within the ITIL system is asset management to begin with, but then so much more. The ultimate role of Configuration Management is to deal with all configuration items within one’s organization. They identify what these configuration items (CIs) are, control them, maintain them in the format that they are currently and then verify them. Because quality is everything, it is important for configuration management to provide quality data within this database to ensure the effectiveness of the entire operation. Main Activities of Configuration Management There are a series Read More
DVR Software
Freevo is an HTPC (Home Theater PC) solution that allows the user to store all types of digital media collections such as music, videos, photos, etc. It also gives users the capability to manage these digital files through a remote TV interface. A built-in web interface enables the viewing of TV guides and the scheduling of recordings from anywhere around the globe. Freevo is completely DRM free and plays virtually all forms of video formats. It is adaptable to a standalone HTPC computer with TV plus remote and an ordinary Read More
How to Jailbreak an iPad

The Apple iPad has become one of the most purchased tablet products on the market since its introduction in April, 2010. The iPad combines the features found on previous Apple products such as the iPhone, MacBook, and iPod product lines and is based on touchscreen technology. With support for Bluetooth, WiFi, and 3G, the primary complain amongst power users of the product is that Apple enforces a “closed ecosystem” of apps which can only be purchased from the Apple App Store. As a result, a common task that arises amongst Read More
Online Backup
Technology has brought many tools and luxuries to modern society, the most widespread being the computer. With computers, however, comes a dependency upon electronically stored data and the equipment that controls it. This equipment is not foolproof and can weather, malfunction, and even break from old age and damage. When the hardware stops working, the data that is stored on that hardware is lost. Fortunately, computers and technology have brought another amazing tool to society: the Internet. With the Internet comes the ability to store data on other hard drives, Read More
External Hard Drives

An external hard drive is any hard drive which attaches to a port on the outside of a computer case. External hard drives are extremely useful for backing up computers and for moving data between computers. External Hard Drive Interfaces External hard drives can be connected using several popular interfaces. One external hard drive may support two or more of these interfaces. FireWire FireWire, almost known as IEEE 1394, is a popular interface for Macintosh external hard drives, and became somewhat popular on PC’s before USB 2.0 was standardized. USB Read More
How to Convert MP4 to AVI
The MP4 container is commonly used on YouTube, portable video players, and iDevices to transport or wrap video files in a web-friendly format. Many digital video players; however, do not support MP4 or M4V encoded files and require the videos be converted to AVI format for successful playback. As a result, using a free or commercial tool is required to convert MP4 to AVI before consumers can watch the respective movie or video. Convert MP4 to AVI Using Pazera The Pazera MP4 to AVI conversion software program is a freeware Read More
Cannot Find Server

Using a internet browser is very commonplace nowadays. Unfortunately, a “cannot find server” error code may interrupt the user’s website visit. This is not only frustrating for Microsoft Internet Explorer users, but for Opera, Safari, Firefox, and other web browser users. Finding and fixing the cause of this error is very important, as web users will be hindered from using the Internet. This error message is displayed when the computer or device being used simply cannot complete the connection. The first thing that the user should do is find the Read More
How to Extract an ISO File

Extracting an ISO from a CD or DVD is sometimes necessary. You will need to have a CD or DVD ready to create an ISO image from and an ISO extracting software. A completely free ISO extracting option is available from ISODisk on (Only works on 32 bit versions of Windows). Here is the process to create an ISO from a CD or DVD source:Download and install the ISODisk software and restart your computer system. Once the computer has finished the rebooting process, open up the ISODisk software and Read More
How Are Computers Made

Because the modern world is built upon computers and other forms of technology, it is important for users to understand how computers work and how they are made. The construction of a computer may seem like a rather complicated process, and it is, but if taken one piece at a time, one can see that computers are quite simple in nature. This article will list and explain the various parts of a computer and give a brief description of how the device is made. Motherboard A motherboard is a device Read More
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