An MSN Display Name is a form of identity that is displayed to every MSN Contact that you have added.

Your MSN Display Name is not viewable to people until you accept their invitation to become an MSN Contact — but if you are the one sending the invitation, the name will be viewable straight away.

Your MSN Display Name can be viewed in your contacts (or your) MSN Contact List or during a Conversation (before every message sent, top bar and the status bar).

Changing an MSN Display Name

  • Open up the Windows Live! Messenger main window.
  • Log-in to the MSN Messenger Account (with a Microsoft Passport) that you wish to alter the Display Name of.
  • Once logged in, click on your current Display Name (default is your email address).
  • Click on the “Options” menu.
  • Alter the “My Display Name” settings to your liking to reach completion.

Selecting a Good Display Name

Consider adding “*unicef” to your Display Name; this contributes approximately 80% of the ad revenue earned to Unicef. Don’t worry, your Display Name will not appear as “*unicef;” it will appear like the following icon:

MSN Names

A great way to form your Display Name using the Unicef icon is to have your full Display Name as, “*unicef [First Name / Nickname Here].”