Naoko Takeuchi Method – Eye Tutorial

A tutorial that explains Naoko Takeuchi Method for creating Eye

Fans of Sailor Moon already know that Naoko Takeuchi's distinctive style consists of two lines, one over the other, finished with a wide, white-pupiled eyeball. This is a very easy technique to master as it only uses two lines and a circle….

Box Model – Eye Tutorial

A tutorial that explains Box Model for creating Eye

The box model is a variation of the Naoko Takeuchi method. It allows for slightly more structure in the eyelashes (ala CLAMP)…….

Almond Model – Eye Tutorial

A tutorial that explains Almond Model for creating EyeManga Tutorials

The almond model is great for doing older, eviler, or more Asian characters as it essentially creates narrower eyes. A lot of so-called Amerimanga artists (you know who you are) use this method, which is really too bad, as it is not the norm in manga. Most manga artists structure their eyes with the box model or the Naoko Takeuchi method which results in a much more flexible eye, capable of showing more emotion….

Doodlekitty Method – Eye Tutorial

A tutorial that explains Doodlekitty Model for creating Eye

Start out by drawing just a simple, round shape several times until it is roughly a circle. Then draw a small line following the bottom of the circle shape for the bottom of the eye……

Sad and Crying Eyes

A tutorial that shows how to create sad & crying eyes

When people start feeling sad or hurt, their brows start to pucker toward one another (figure 1.b) and their lower eyelid pooches up (figure 2.b), hiding part of the iris. Note: The lower eyelid does the same thing when people get angry, too.) ……

Quick and Dirty Guide to Drawing Men

A tutorial that provide guidelines how to draw men

I like to draw men because I am attracted to men. Pretty, young men with long, flowing hair and names like James and Raphael. Maybe you want to draw men because you want to create your own stable of two-dimensional hotties to ogle, or maybe it's because …….

Process of an Art Piece

A brief explanation of how to take a piece of art from concept to finish. This should help you understand how much work goes into each and every piece I do, and realize that Rome (if I may) cannot be built in a day.

How to Draw Heads

This is a brief 5-step tutorial on how to draw anime style heads.