HTML Tutorials

Welcome to our HTML Tutorials section. This is a compilation of HTML topics that will you help you start writing HTML codes. It comes with the latest HTML standards, as well as the basic and advanced HTML topics.

Text Formatting Tutorial

This section will teach you how to use html tags for formating a a text in a web page and will show you how to make paragraphs, create a headline, and customize fonts.

Working with Tables Tutorial

This has all the topics on how you would be able to create a table, add a border to a table, change the border’s color, set the table width,  center a table on the page, merge cells across a column, align elements in the cell,  control the amount of space in the cell,  change the colour of a cell, and set a background image in a cell.

Frames Tutorial

Frames allow HTML files to be displayed in one web browser window at a time.  It can be simple  and organized. Here is where you can learn the FRAME attributes of the table element for FREE. This will allow you to creatie partial borders on tables.

HTML Tutorials

Creating Forms Tutorial

Here, you will find step by step guide on how you would be able to start making your own HTML Forms. Forms can be placed  on a website using the <form> tag. This HTML tag can encapsulate other forms of elements and identify these elements as a single cohesive HTML form. Learn how to create a simple text box, submit button, and how to use form attributes.

Working With Images Tutorial

A tutorial that shows how to put quality images into your site in just a few easy steps

Sections that are covered are further attributes, image file formats, thumbnails, image rollovers, pre-loading images, embedding multimedia, single pixel images etc.

StyleSheets Tutorial

This tutorial section will show you how to use CSS – Cascading Style Sheets to standardize your web page presentation from colors, to fonts, to tables in a few easy steps.

Topics included in this StyleSheets tutorial are CSS for beginners, Advanced CSS, CSS and Text, CSS and Background, CSS Layouts, CSS and Links, CSS and Spacing, CSS and Media Types, CSS and Borders, Named Colors, , CSS and Scrollbars, CSS and Cursors, Non Underlinked Links, Advanced Selectors.