The Net Send command is used to send network messages to other computers, messaging names, or PC users on a computer network, or LAN. In order for the Net Send utility to work, the Windows Messenger service needs to be installed on the client computer and messages can only be sent to acknowledged names on the local network. If the targeted recipient of the message is not online or does not have Messenger services enabled, they will not receive the Net Send message. A common task for new users of the Net Send utility is figuring out how to use the application.

Net Send Message Syntax

The defined Net Send message syntax is:

NET SEND {name|*|/DOMAIN[:name]|/USERS}message

Where the following definitions apply for the arguments of the Net Send message:

name – The name argument can be a PC name, user name, or messaging name to receive the message. If the computer name contains blank characters, it must enclose the message alias in quotations marks.

* – This argument will send the message to all names in the group of the sender.

/DOMAIN[:name] – This will send the Net Send message to all names on the workstation domain. If you specify a name, the message will be sent to all names in the identified workgroup or network domain.

/USERS – This will send the message to all users connected to the server at the time of transmission

message – This is the text that you will send as a message.

How to Send a Net Send Message

Step 1 – Open the MS DOS prompt on your computer by selecting the “Start” and “Run” menu options.

Step 2 – Enter “command” in the search text field followed by the “Enter” key.

Step 3 – Type the message that you desire to transmit. A common use of the Net Send message is to send global network messages such as server outages. An example message to send this message to all users of a given domain would be:

net send /myDomainHere:users The server will be down for maintenance in 10 minutes. Please save your work and log off.

Step 4 – View different options for the net send utility, enter “net ?” followed by the “enter” key at the MS DOS prompt.

Net Send Gotchas

Some useful tips for new users of the Net Send utility are:

1 – You can only use up to 128 characters in a Net Send message.

2 – Don’t forget that intended recipients of a Net Send message must be logged on with the Windows Messenger service enabled and running in order to receive.

3 – If you do not have administrator priveleges for your computer, you may not be allowed to send Net Send messages to others on your domain or network.