Google is the most widely used search engine on the web. It has a 65% market share and despite the fact that Yahoo and Bing are gaining some traction, it continues to rank as the favorite. While doing a very basic search on Google is very simple, searching for anything slightly complex can be tricky. Therefore, it is important to conduct a proper search to get the desired results.

Searching by Region

One of Google’s most important characteristics is its billions, if not trillions of indexed pages. Therefore, if a researcher were to search the keyword “DJ,” they would not get the desired result. It helps to minimize the number of results that pop up. If someone who lives in Chicago needs a DJ, results displaying DJs in California are not very helpful. Therefore, instead of just using the keyword “DJ,” use “DJ Chicago.” This limits the number of results and helps the user achieve the desired results.

Use Descriptive Words

It is important to use the most descriptive words possible. For example, when searching for a Beyonce ringtone, it is better to use the keywords “Beyonce Ringtone” rather than “Beyonce Sound.” The keyword “ringtone” will give better results than “sound” will. The object is to be descriptive and specify exactly what is desired.

Search Like a Machine

Because a search engine is a machine, it cannot guess what the researcher wants. Therefore, it is going to pull up pages whose content has the exact keywords used to search. Therefore, if someone has a leg pain, instead of searching with “my leg hurts,” search with “leg pains.” Medical information would more likely include the phrase “leg pains.” Researchers should always search like a machine that can only pull information that is found on the page.

Be Brief

It is important to be brief. Each word that is added is included in the search. Therefore, if looking for what the weather is in New Jersey, do not type “weather report in New Jersey.” Simply type “Weather New Jersey,” which will give the results that are most ideal for this particular search. Being brief saves time and gets the researcher to the desired web page faster.