Windows Internet Explorer, more commonly know as IE, is a graphics based web browser developed by Microsoft and bundled as part of the windows operating system. It is the most widely used web browser today. The very first version of IE – IE 1 was introduced in 1995 as a part of Windows 95. The latest in the series is IE 8.

Password protecting Internet Explorer

Password protection for IE can be enabled to prevent or limit the type of online content that is viewed by users. This feature is typically used to prevent young children from viewing explicit and improper online content. Password protection is available as an option under Content Advisor.

To password protect Internet Explorer, perform the following steps:

  1. Launch Internet Explorer.
  2. Click the Tools menu and then click Internet Options.
  3. Click the Content tab.
  4. Click the Enable button present under the Content Advisor section.
  5. The Content Advisor window appears.
  6. Click the General tab.
  7. Click the Create Password button present under the Supervisor password section.
  8. The Create Supervisor Password window appears.
  9. Type a password in both the Password and Confirm password text boxes. You can also add a hint the Hint text box. It will help you to remember your password incase you forget it.
  10. Click Ok.

You will have to exit Internet Explorer and re-launch it for password protection to take effect. You will be prompted for the password incase you wish to make any changes to these controls. In order for content control to work better, you can create a list of approved and disapproved web sites. You can also rate websites based on certain pre-set categories. All these options are available under the Content Advisor section.