Google Plus is a social networking website that Google provides, which allows users to communicate in ways that other social networking services do not. For example, Google Plus includes a feature known as “Circles” that allows users to place their contacts into separate categories such as “Friends,” “Family,” and “Co-workers,” and only send status updates to contacts in a specific Circle. Google Plus also has many additional features, such as Huddle, Talk, Sparks, Hangouts, and Instant Upload, that make Google Plus an exciting new platform in the social networking industry.


What are Web Proxies?

Web proxies are server based web applications that allow users to browse the Internet without storing cookie data on their computers. Web proxies work by forwarding the user’s URL requests to an external server then contacting the requested webpage. When the webpage responds, the web proxy forwards the information back to the user, but that information never leaves the user’s web browser. As a result of this, web proxies are ideal for use in schools, workstations, and other locations that do not permit access to specific websites.


How to Get on Google Plus at School

Since schools often block social networking websites in order to prevent students from being distracted from their work, students may be unable to access Google Plus when they enter its URL into a web browser’s address bar. However, students can enter any web proxy’s URL that the network has not blocked and use it to access Google Plus. Although thousands of web proxies can be found via Google or any other search engine, the user must find a web proxy that his/her individual computer network has not blocked.