The AVG Antivirus program is a popular free and commercial computer security application used on the Windows Operating System (OS). AVG is one of the most downloaded computer security software programs on CNET and is compatible with the Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7 OSs. Despite the fast, effective computer security that AVG provides computer users, they often have the need to disable AVG while downloading new programs or using Peer-To-Peer websites or applications. The Resident Shield module is the primary component that needs to be turned off in order to disable AVG. During the time that AVG is disabled, however, the computer will be susceptible to computer malware infection until turned back on or replaced with an alternative
computer security solution.

Steps to Disabling AVG

Step 1 – Right click the AVG program icon located on the Windows Taskbar. The icon is labeled as the Resident Shield and serves as the Control Panel for the AVG Anti-virus program. In Microsoft Vista, select “Run as Administrator” from the “properties” menu and enter the admin’s password when prompted.

Step 2- Click the “Open AVG User Interface” properties menu option.

Step 3 – Open the Resident Shield menu option on the subsequently displayed menu. Alternatively, select the “Tools,” “Advanced Settings,” and “Resident Shield” menu buttons.

Step 4 – Remove the selection from the “Resident Shield Active” checkbox located under the “Settings” menu tab, then choose the “Save Changes” button.

Step 5 – Close the Resident Shield interface window and the primary AVG security protection will be temporarily disabled. However, email security will remain enabled.

Step 6 – Repeat steps one through five after disabling AVG is complete. In Step four, select the checkbox for the “Resident Shield Active” menu option to turn AVG protection back on.