RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an addition to Internet technology that is used to keep people updated on their favorite websites. RSS works in conjunction with XML code, which continuously checks the contents of a website for updates. If updates are found, they are broadcast to all the subscribers of the website through a feed.

RSS feeds work by taking content that appears on a website, converting it to a simple text format, and then releasing it to a RSS reader–such as Google Reader–to then view the article. If the article is of interest, the person can click the article title and it takes them to the actual web page. RSS Feeds make it possible for people to organize and keep track of all the different websites they frequent.

RSS is usually used with news websites and other regularly updated websites such as blogs, although any type of website can choose to use RSS. When an RSS feed is sent out to subscribers, the feed contains a headline and just a small amount of text, which is usually the summary of the original content. The RSS is simply a teaser. Because of the RSS feed, subscribers don’t need to visit the actual website to know what is going on because they’ll receive automatic updates whenever the website is updated. Subscribers can then choose to visit the website when they see an update that piques their interest.

To receive the RSS feeds, one must have a news aggregator, a feed reader. There are many aggregators available on the Internet so you can easily find out an interface that appeals to you and your needs. Luckily, most of the news aggregators that you’ll fine are free, with some of the most well known being Google Reader, NewsGator, and RSS Reader.

When you download the news aggregator of your choice, you’ll need to select the websites that you want to receive feeds from. Luckily, this process is very simple because most websites have a small RSS or XML icon on their home page that will allow you to click on the icon and easily add that RSS to the aggregator list. You can also add the feed from a specific website by copy and pasting the URL of the feed into your aggregator. It doesn’t really matter what method you choose to use, you will begin to receive RSS feeds as soon as you add it. If you find that you don’t want RSS feeds from a website, you can simply take it off your aggregator list.

RSS feeds are simply considered an efficient way to send website updates. RSS feeds are sent instantly, so there is no waiting, no need to visit the website, it all comes to you at the moment the update is made. Users also do not have to worry about spam filters, as RSS feeds are not considered spam since you specifically request the information.

How Does RSS Work?

Before RSS can ever work, the writer needs to publish something. For example, the writer could publish an article on their blog. Once the article is published, it appears on the website. Now that the article is public, anyone and any feed can pick it up.

The RSS feed picks up the articles by visiting your unique RSS link. In the past, a person would have to copy and paste that link into their specific reader. However, these days, a user can click on the subscribe button using their reader of choice. Then, the reader automatically adds the RSS feed to the list and the rest is as easy as clicking and reading.

When the article is published, it doesn’t automatically appear on the RSS feed. The reason for this is because the feed checks out the unique link every once in a while. If you publish an article right after the feed has visited your site, it might not come back again for another couple hours. If the feed notices a new article, it bookmarks it. The reader then picks it up and reveals it to all of the followers.

The problem with this is that, sometimes, it takes a little while for the feed to find the article. To combat this, a website owner can ping the feed. What this means is that it sends out a shout to the feed saying there is a new article. This prompts the feed to visit sooner so people know you’ve updated your site sooner. In other words, a ping is a shout to get the feed to come quicker.

The RSS feed works by syndicating the content that you publish on your site. It takes your content, simplifies it into basic text and then lets all readers know it exists. People can then view many different articles from their RSS reader without having to visit each individual site.

How Do I Get RSS Feeds?

RSS feeds are typically read by feed aggregators; downloadable programs that can check for new content from subscribed websites, interpret the broadcast feeds, and display them on the users’ computer desktop.

Some of the most popular downloadable RSS feed aggregators:

Windows Users

Mac Users

There are many other downloadable feed aggregators with varying levels of customization options and features.

There are also web-based aggregators that allow the user to read their favorite RSS feeds online, without downloading any software to their computer. These have a few added benefits, including the ability to read feeds on any computer. These services are also typically able to be tied in with the user’s email addresses, local weather forecasts, and other features.

Some of the most robust and popular web-based RSS feed aggregators:

Benefits of RSS Feeds to Web Visitors

Website visitors can benefit from RSS feeds because they allow them to read only the information that interests them. The RSS feeds are a condensed version of what has been updated or added to the website, allowing the visitor to take in the same information in less time. If the visitor requires more information, they just need to click on the link to be taken to the actual website. Visitors can actually get their RSS feeds on their cell phones and PDA’s making the feed very convenient.

Benefits of RSS Feeds to Web Masters

RSS is a good idea for webmasters because it allows them to provide their visitors with up to date content so that visitors come back again and again. Webmasters can change the contents of their website so that the search engine spiders will also visit more frequently, which will also make ratings and visits go up.

RSS feeds are simply a good idea so that we can get all the information we need in the least amount of time. Life is busy, sometimes we go without information we may need or want because we don’t make time to visit a certain website. RSS feeds will give us all the information we need right at the moment it is put out there.