Error 1706 is a Microsoft error that is sometimes generated when you install a Windows package from some form of removable data. Examples of removable data would be a CD-ROM or a DVD. Typically, the exact text of Error 1706 will include the phrase "no valid source could be found."

How Did The Problem Occur?

One of the usual causes of this problem is that the Windows Installer or MSI file is not residing in the root folder of the media that is found on the removable data. This does not mean that the MSI file is not somewhere on the media — just that it is not in the folder that your system is checking. While, in most cases, the Media Package Path would be altered to create a clear path to the MSI file, this is sometimes overlooked.

How Do I Fix the Problem?

When Error 1706 occurs during an attempt to install an MSI file from removable media, the first thing you should try to do is check the Media Package Pathway and determine if the pathway does in fact track to the right folder. If it does not, scan the removable media and locate the file where the MSI file is housed. In some cases, you may find that the MSI file is found in a folder that is named App1. Once you have determined where to find the right file, it is a matter of resetting the Media Package Pathway so that the system will find and activate the MSI file. This will require you to make some changes to the command line or possibly make a permanent change in the registry.Error 1706

It is important to note that making changes in the command line and especially in the registry are functions that someone who is familiar with writing code and general information system functions should perform. If you are not knowledgeable about these sorts of functions, there is every possibility that the modification will not result in resolving the issue regarding the MSI file. Further, the change may create additional problems with the media package.