In order for companies and organizations to stay ahead of the market on a daily basis, they must be able to quickly process the information that they gather from multiple sources. In order to do this efficiently, business entities almost always use some form of enterprise application integration software. Enterprise application integration software combines the data found in any number of applications into one client. Enterprise application integration software can also pull specific tools and functions from an application and add it to another program. In this article, we will discuss enterprise application integration software and review a number of enterprise application integration programs.

What is Enterprise Application Integration

Enterprise application integration is able to combine the data, tools, and functions from a variety of applications and combine them with the information provided in other applications so that you may view and use all of this information in one simple client rather than wasting time and effort by running multiple programs and diversifying your data. For example, an enterprise application integration program may allow you to combine Microsoft Word with Microsoft Excel so that you may add spreadsheets and perform calculations directly from within your Microsoft Word document.

Popular Enterprise Application Integration Software

There are a number of enterprise application integration programs available on the market but not all of them are easy to find. Some websites claiming to host enterprise application integration software leaves you empty handed and slightly irritated when you discover that the page only displays false links to ads or search engines. Instead, we have compiled a small list of enterprise application integration software below so that you may compare each of them.


Adeptia's Integration Suite is highly efficient and reliable but is definitely out of the price range for some. Adeptia markets specifically to small and large businesses and has a price tag of $1200 per month. Aside from the price, however, Adeptia is true to their word that any application can be combined with any data from any location. Adeptia Data Integration Suite is able to monitor and track data flows, manage your integrations from one control panel, and includes SaaS and Cloud integration from a web-based interface.

LegaSuite Integration

LegaSuite Integration, owned by Seagull Software, is an enterprise application and data integration software that allows users to fuse multiple applications and data sources into one with very little effort. LegaSuite Integration is cheaper than other enterprise application integration programs and allows the user to maintain a "clean" integration. LegaSuite Integration can be used with a number of databases and mainframes as well as multiple platforms. SmallTalk, PowerBuilder, and Visual Basic are only a few examples of the applications that LegaSuite Integration can handle.

Ericom PowerTerm Host Publisher

Ericom PowerTerm Host Publisher is a service that is not strictly an enterprise application integration software but can be used for such just the same. Ericom PowerTerm Host Publisher is able to link multiple applications together through a web-based connection and extract desired information. That information can then be used to compile reports, documents, services, and applications themselves into one interface that resembles a webpage.


TIBCO offers two separate programs that combine to form a very effective enterprise application integration software. TIBCO BusinessWorks SmartMapper allows multiple applications and mainframes to connect to each other and share information while also handling the subtle differences in programming so that all of the information is processed the same. TIBCO Adapter then kicks in to allow all of these applications to join forces and act as one software. The processes are all done automatically so the user can just "plug and play".

IBM WebSphere

IBM WebSphere includes an application integration software that allows the user to see and combine multiple applications into one. Though IBM has a wide variety of data-related services, they put much care into each of their programs. For this reason, their application integration can be used for either personal or business-related purposes and can also be used by organizations, both large and small.

Boomi AtomSphere

Boomi AtomSphere is a rather new company that has emerged in the market of enterprise application integration. The Boomi AtomSphere uses an Integration Cloud that allows users to connect to various applications via a web-based platform. This platform can connect to, view, compile, and modify applications without the user having to know any programming languages or having to download any software. Whether there is truth to their claims or not, they do offer a 30-day free trial.