Data integration software can be a great addition to any company or website that offers a multitude of services. By using data integration software, you can combine the overall information that you gather from forms, programs, services, surveys, and through other means and collect it into one place where it can be easily read, accessed, or changed. In this article, we will discuss data integration software and some of the most popular data integration services.

What is Data Integration Software

Data integration software allows you to keep your business organized by grouping all of your company's information into one system and then categorizing it by solutions. For example, if a company wanted to know how many of its customers made more than $50,000 last year as well as how much money those customers put into the company, the company would use data integration software to search surveys, forms, and financial statements to calculate an exact answer rather than manually searching through all of these media to arrive at an estimated answer.

Popular Data Integration Software

Data integration software can be found all over the Internet but not all of them are good programs. The following are some of the best and most popular examples of data integration software.


Informatica is one of the world's leading data integration services and its platform is used by thousands of entirely separate companies, corporations, and organizations. Informatica has a unique platform that supports all areas of data integration and IT business needs. Informatica supplies the user with methods to access, discover, cleanse, integrate, and deliver information in a way that makes work interesting and efficient for administrators, stewards, analysts, architects, and developers. Informatica tracks information, organizes it, and alerts you to any possible room for improvement over the long-term.

LegaSuite Integration

LegaSuite Integration is a product offered by Seagull Software to help companies and individuals integrate their data into one system in order to save money, lower risks, and complete their projects in less time. LegaSuite Integration uses a broad spectrum of interfaces to track, organize, and compile information. These interfaces include XML, .Net assemblies, JavaBeans, and various web services. LegaSuite Integration allows the user to integrate the program with a number of other clients, including Visual Basic, PowerBuilder, SmallTalk, COOL:Gen, OpenVMS applications, PCML-enabled applications, and a number of mainframes.

Altova MapForce

Altova MapForce allows you to integrate two systems of infomation together and then map out the data that they share. Mapforce works great with XML, databases, EDI, Excel, XBRL, and a number of other programs. Altova Mapforce is used by thousands of companies to compile the information that they gather from multiple sources. Mapforce allows you to categorize data and easily access it by clicking on any number of categories. These categories include addresses, phone numbers, first names, last names, states, cities, countries, prices, and costs as well as categories that you can setup using preprogrammed calculations.

Pervasive Data Integrator

Pervasive Data Integrator is made specifically for medical and financial institutions to gather information from various sources and compile it together. Pervasive Data Integrator relies heavily on its many calculations and search parameters in order to find data within the databases and applications that you connect it to. The program organizes all of this information and allows you to find specific information by selecting specific categories from a list Pervasive Data Integrator is used by thousands of customers worldwide and has been awarded for its credibility and productivity within the industry.

Attunity Connect

Attunity Connect is a data integration software that allows the user to gather information not only from servers, databases, and reporting systems but also from other data integration software. Attunity Connect is capable of operating on almost all platforms and can display data in multiple forms.

IBM Information Integration

IBM Information Integration allows you to do a number of things that other integration software does not. IBM Information Integration allows the user to collect information and synchronize it with other systems just as any other integration software does but this program also allows you to replicate data and entire systems to easily move it from one place to another. This is most helpful to customer service representatives who must pass information along from one source or multiple sources to the customer in a quick and efficient manner. IBM Information Integration allows you to pull data from a wide assortment of sources and deliver it to the customer or department in question as one resource. This makes your company more professional, reliable, and efficient.