Here is a guide to where you can download cell phone manuals for some of the most popular cell phone brands. Manufacturer web sites usually require selecting a phone before showing a link to the manual. Instructions are provided to help you navigate to the manuals.

BlackBerry Cell Phone Manuals

To download a manual simply click on the Getting Started Guide or User Guide link for the desired model.

Firefly User Guide for Parents


LG Cell Phone Manuals

To get a manual choose a carrier in the Mobile Phones section, choose a phone model from the pop up that appears and click go. Then click on the "Manuals & Documents" tab to get links to manuals.

Pantech Cell Phone Manual

Just click on the "download manual" link for the desired phone.

HP IPAQ Cell Phone Manuals

Choose an IPAQ device and click on the link in the table for the user guide.

HTC Cell Phone Manuals

Choose a phone you're interested in using the "Choose Your Product" drop down, select the "User Guides" tab and choose preferred language.

Kyocera Cell Phone Manuals

Choose a phone from a drop down or a list, click on the Support tab and then the "user guides" link below the tabs.

Motorola Cell Phone Manuals

Click on a product model and a page will open with all the manuals.

Novatel Cell Phone Manuals

The docs table contains all the manuals. If your device isn't listed try discontinued products or a web site of a provider through which you got the Novatel device.

Nokia Cell Phone Manuals

Click on "Show All" at the bottom right for a list of more phones. If you still don't see it click on "View All" again below. Once you open the page for your phone click on "User Guides" or "Guides" in the horizontal menu or the top right vertical menu.