BitTorrent is a torrent software that allows users to download content from the Internet in the form of torrents, which are small files that keep track of where content is located on the Internet.
Torrent files are used in P2P (peer-to-peer) sharing, in which multiple users upload and download content at once and the content itself is located on many different computers, rather than just one server.
In P2P sharing, a file may originally be uploaded to a file sharing network, like PirateBay, in the form of a torrent. Other users can then download that file from the original user and upload the same content through the same torrent so that other users can download the file from them as well.
BitTorrent facilitates this type of sharing by keeping track of individual torrents and downloading the actual content into a designated folder, as well as uploading the content to other users through the torrent.

BitTorrent For Mac
BitTorrent For Mac provides the same features as the Windows version of BitTorrent, but has a slightly different user interface that is designed to match the sleek appearance of Mac applications. BitTorrent For Mac can be downloaded here and a video tutorial can be found here (keep in mind that the video tutorial may look different from one’s version of BitTorrent, although all features should still be accessible).


BitTorrent For Mac allows users to download torrent content in the same way that Windows users can, without using strange alternatives like Azureus/Vuze that require users to install binary software. BitTorrent For Mac is also more efficient than similar uTorrent software, which tends to crash often and has trouble finding or downloading some torrent content.