An antivirus program is any program that is designed to combat viruses or other malicious software. Antivirus programs are used to remove a wide variety of malicious programs, such as spyware, Trojans, and worms. Since these types of programs can hide in random computer files and can have names that are very similar to normal programs, they can be very difficult to remove without antivirus software. Fortunately, literally thousands of free antivirus programs are available and can be used on virtually any operating system, platform, and device.


Antivirus Programs For Mac
While the usual recommendations for antivirus software are Spyware Terminator, Advanced SystemCare, and Malwarebytes’ Antimalware, none of these programs is available for Mac. Instead, Mac users must use alternative antivirus programs that are specifically intended for use on Mac computers.
Fortunately, MacCleanse, MacTuneUp, and MacKeeper are all designed for use with Mac computers and can be downloaded for free, at least on a free trial basis. While each of these programs differ slightly, they all allow Mac users to perform quick maintenance scans to improve performance and improve stability, while tracking down frustrating and possibly dangerous malicious programs and removing them.