
Solar Pool Heater

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A solar pool heater is a device that uses the sun’s power to heat a pool. Solar pool heaters are ergonomically designed to absorb the maximum amount of sunlight without imposing on the user’s comfort. Solar pool heaters allow the user to change the water temperature without even getting out of the pool. They can operate all day long and even run at night, as a built-in battery that stores excess energy during the day powers them. Solar pool heaters are usually used in small pools and hot tubs, but Read More

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What Causes Earthquakes?

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An earthquake is caused when two blocks or plates of the Earth slip past each other in the lateral, vertical, or a combination of directions in a sudden manner. Due to the large pressures that develop between the Earth’s plates along fault lines at the Earth’s surface, one of the bodies will eventually give way. This resulting movement results in one of the plates moving above or to the side of the other during the resulting earthquake. A common question that arises amongst students and the general public is what Read More

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How Do Tsunamis Form?

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A tsunami is formed when there is an earthquake, volcanic eruption or, more rarely, a landslide underwater. Typically, neither the earthquake, eruption or landslide are felt because they are so deep under water. However, the actions that have taken place are the first steps that lead to a massive tsunami that can cause tremendous damage to coastal regions. It should be noted that a tsunami and a tidal wave are different because they are not caused by the same thing. A tsunami, as mentioned above, is caused by earth quakes, Read More

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What Causes Wind?

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Wind is a direct effect of air trying to get from high pressure to low pressure. Because there is such high pressure, it is natural for air (or anything for that matter) to move into an area of lower pressure. Water does it. If it is in a cup and then a straw is connected to the side of the cup and attached to another, the water goes because there is space for it; less pressure. However, because the Earth is spinning, that flowing air can't just go from high Read More

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What is an Ultrasonic Fogger?

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An ultrasonic fogger is a device that uses ultrasonic sound waves to break water into millions of individual water droplets that are then sprayed into the air as a thick fog. Ultrasonic foggers are most often used for Halloween decorations as a dry ice replacement. The fog that an ultrasonic fogger produces is not created through a boiling process and does not involve heat of any kind. Because of this, the fog is cold and slightly wet but poses no threat to the user. How does an Ultrasonic Fogger Work? Read More

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Lightning Detector

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A lightning detector is equipment whose main function is to sense lightning during thunderstorms to prevent human casualty and minimize damage to commercial and residential property. Lightning detectors can be classified according to size, capacity and installation location and methods. There are four major categories of lightning detectors and they are the following: Ground-Based Lightning Detection Systems This variant uses multiple antennas separated by hundreds of kilometers to detect the pulses of radio frequency that are produced by a lightning bolt. For this reason, they are often called RF or Read More

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What Are Seismic Waves?

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Seismic waves are shock waves that occur underneath or through the Earth’s surface. Volcanic eruptions, explosions, wind, or strong ocean waves generate them. Depending on the nature and strength of the seismic wave, it can significantly damage the Earth’s surface or generate tsunami waves that can wreak havoc on the coastline. Who Studies Seismic Waves? The study of seismic waves is called seismology. It deals with the analysis and monitoring of seismic waves and earthquakes, and the results of these events. The scientists who undertake these studies are called seismologists. Read More

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What Causes Global Warming?

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Global warming is a very hot topic especially with the high amount of stress put into the need to stop it. The big question is, what causes it to occur? The answer is not so simple and is very difficult to pinpoint. There are several different variables that are thought to be the cause of global warming. The climate is always changing. The Earth goes through cycles where it is warmer than usual and colder than usual. With global warming being a fear on many people’s minds, the question comes up: what are Read More

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