Internet Explorer is a popular web browser that Microsoft owns and maintains. It serves as the basic platform of virtually all other web browsers. Internet Explorer was the first web browser introduced to the public, released in 1995 as part of the “Plus! for Windows 95” service pack.

Internet Explorer has been transformed many times since then and is currently available as Internet Explorer 9, a web browser designed to be supported on both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems including the latest Windows Operating System, Windows 7.


How to Install Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer 9 can be installed by clicking here, unchecking the checkbox that reads “I would also like Bing and MSN Defaults,” and clicking the large orange button that reads “Download Internet Explorer 9.” This will launch a dialog box asking if the user would like to run or save the file.

Unless the user intends to use the setup file again in the future, which can be downloaded again at anytime by clicking the link above, the user should select the “Run” button. The user may then also be prompted with security dialog boxes, on which the user should select “Run” or “Yes,” depending on the options provided. Internet Explorer 9 should then install itself and become available via the Start Menu.