Convert Feet to Meters Automatically

To convert Feet to Meters, enter the number of feet to be converted into the feet box below.

Feet (ft)
Micrometers (µm) 0
Millimeters (mm) 0
Centimeters (cm) 0
Meters (m) 0
Kilometers (km) 0
Inches (in) 0
Yards (yd) 0
Rods (rd) 0
Miles (mi) 0

Convert Feet to Meters Manually

This chart allows users to convert Feet to Meters manually. For example, the chart below shows that 8 feet is equal to 2.438 meters.Convert Feet to Meters

Feet Meters
1 0.305
2 0.610
3 0.914
4 1.219
5 1.524
6 1.829
7 2.134
8 2.438
9 2.743
10 3.048
20 6.096
30 9.144
40 12.192
50 15.240