Creating a Titleblock Tutorial

A tutorial that shows how to create a file that you can use as a border and titleblock for drawings

To begin titleblock drawing, use the Line command. To activate this command, either locate the Line button on the Drawing toolbar and click on it with the Left Mouse button, or type a letter L ( the first letter in the word Line and the "alias" for the Line command) at the Command: prompt and press the Enter key …

Creating a Simple 2D Drawing Tutorial

A tutorial that shows how to create a simple 2D drawing in AutoCAD

First of all, Use the Line command and draw the following lines with Absolute Coordinates.For Line 1, draw a horizontal line 30mm long that begins at the 0,0 point (type 0,0 for the start point) and ends at 30,0 (type 30,0 for the second point). Press ENTER to end the line. See FIGURE 1….AutoCAD Tutorials

Understanding UCS Tutorial

A tutorial that shows how to define & utilize the User Coordinate System & create a simple solid model

Type ucsicon at a Command: prompt. The prompt will read: Enter an option [ON/OFF/All/Noorigin/ORigin/Properties] : type the letter p, for Properties, and press the Enter key. The UCSICON Properties dialogue box will appear…

Converting a Model to a Multiview Drawing Tutorial

A tutorial that shows how to convert a solid model to a multiview using the SOLVIEW and SOLDRAW commands

You create a simple solid model using PRIMITIVES (simple solid shapes) and combined or removed them using BOOLEAN OPERATIONS. Once you create a model, it needs to be converted to a Multiview Drawing, which is the standard method of representing objects for manufacturing processes….

Creating Terrain Objects Tutorial

A tutorial that shows how to import contours from AutoCAD into Autodesk VIZ and how to use the contours to create a terrain object

Creating a terrain object with 3D Studio VIZ R2 is a simple, one-step process. Once your contours have been imported, click on them to select them. Since your contours were all on the same AutoCAD drawing layer and since you specified objects to be derived by layer, your contours now form a single 3D Studio object…

Viewport Background Tutorial

A tutorial that shows how to add a background image to shaded viewports

Open the drawing file. Invoke the BACKGROUND command (choose View > Render > Background). The Background dialog box appears On the top row select the Image option…

Creating a New Document in AutoCAD with AutoLISP Tutorial

A tutorial that shows how to create a new document using AutoLISP

Using the NEW command might not be the best approach.  Below is a very basic custom function that demonstrates how to create a new drawing based on a template through AutoLISP…

Integrating AutoCAD Fles within ArchiCAD Tutorial

A tutorial that shows how to best prepare and integrate a DWG file for use as a template within ArchiCAD 8

The first step is to locate and Open the DWG file you would like to use as a template in ArchiCAD. After clicking Open, you will be presented to select a Translation File, which can be customized for different consultants…

Setting up a PostScript Plotter Tutorial

A tutorial that shows how to add a plotter to AutoCAD to create Encapsulated PostScript files

To add a plotter to AutoCAD so that it appears as an option in the Plot dialogue box, you must use the Add Plotter wizard.Select Tools >>Wizards >>Add Plotter… from the pull-down menu…

Importing AutoCAD Drawings in 3ds max Tutorial

A tutorial that shows how to import AutoCAD 3D models as Editable Meshes and how to modify them.

3ds max is capable of importing AutoCAD drawings. The AutoCAD 3D models are imported as Editable Meshes. You usually need to make some modifications to the model…