If you are a Real Player audio user who wants to download a file or play some audio or audio-video file and all code programs are not present, you may receive an error message “Audio Data: Tag 8192”.

Naive computer users and people who are not really technically savvy would usually find the error message odd and if you are not really into it and try fixing the problem by changing the settings in your divx, musicplayer or real player program. If you do this, chances are you might end up doing your audio-video player file more damage.

What exactly is “Audio Data: Tag 8192”?

Technically, it is an error message. But, reasonably enough, Audio Data: Tag 8192 is a message that tells what a specific program or extension of a particular program lacks, in order to provide all the properties or functionality of a certain sub program you are running.

The Divx player users usually get the most frequent error messages. Receiving the Audio Data: Tag 8192 simply means that a certain filter, called ac3 filter or extension is lacking in your audio-video player. This program extension is free and can be downloaded from the Internet. They can be saved in a disk and shared to other audio-video player users with active divx, media player or real player audio-video players.

To put it into a more complex explanation, the code 8192 is the decimal code when the 0x2000 is the hexadecimal code of the program. This code is inherent to the tool itself and that is where it gets its real name.

Perhaps, installing a workable ac3 filter will make all the difference. The audio-video file will work with virtually no problem at all. After the download, you should not experience any problem with the player. Otherwise, a reinstallation of the entire player program is necessary. All AC3 player extensions are widely available on the net and can be downloaded anytime from reputable Internet program sources.

It should also be pointed out that some operating systems, especially the older ones, may have an impact on downloading the latest AC3 filters, as they may not be compatible.