The Android Development Kit, also known as the Software Development Kit (SDK), is a software that Android directly provides that allows users to create their own Android applications. The Android Development Kit includes sample projects with their original source code, an emulator, development tools, and all of the necessary libraries needed to develop Android applications. The Android Development Kit, however, should not be confused with the JDK (Java Development Kit), which is another software required to develop Android applications.


How the Android Development Kit Works

In order to use the Android Development Kit, users must understand the Java programming languages that are used to write all Android applications. Once the user understands Java, he/she can use the Android Development Kit to produce elements for Android applications via both command-line programming and graphical interface tools. After the user has created the individual elements that are responsible for various objects and functions in an Android application, he/she can program the elements to work with each other. The Android Development Kit facilitates this development by providing the user with the documentation he/she needs to produce both elements and functions as well as an emulator that allows the user to test his/her applications before the finished product is moved to an Android.



The Android Development Kit can be used to create any Android application and produce the functions that allow them to interact with each other, Bluetooth devices, and the Internet. Although users may have difficulty developing Android applications if they do not understand the Java programming language, the Android Development Kit provides easy instructions and tools that make the process much easier.



The Android Development Kit is advantageous because it allows users to create Android applications that are fully functional and able to interact with other applications, programs, and devices. The Android Development Kit includes everything users need to create, test, manage, and organize the applications they develop in a user friendly environment.



Although the Android Development Kit is advantageous, users must still have at least a basic understanding of the Java programming language in order to develop Android applications. Additionally, the Android Development Kit and the other programs that the user will need in order to run it can take up a significant amount of space on the user’s hard drive and use a large amount of CPU memory.